Faith & Hope, Grace

God Relates With You Personally

Some people think God relates with them according to numbers. Some believe for instance, that if they had more people praying for them, God would respond to them faster. However, such people are ignorant of the Word and deficient in their understanding of the character of God. He doesn’t relate with you because you’re many; He relates with you according to your faith.

For example, the fact that there’re several of you in the same predicament doesn’t mean God is obligated to do something about it. He’ll only respond to the one who reaches out to Him in faith.

The Bible lets us know that once upon a time everyone in the world was destroyed by the flood, with the exception of Noah and his family (Hebrew 11:7). Your faith is the basis of pleasing Him; it’s got nothing to do with numbers. Life is personal, and so is your salvation and your relationship with God.

Therefore, don’t use the experiences of others to determine the flow of your life. It matters what you listen to and allow to influence your mentality. That there’re many people in the world today who are suffering doesn’t mean that should be your experience. You’re peculiar; you’re not among the masses.

Realize that God didn’t send Jesus to die for the world because we were many. If you were the only one on earth, Jesus would still have come to die for you. God loves you that much as a person. He knows your name and relates with you as a unique individual.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows”
(Luke 12:6-7).

This is one exciting thing about our relationship with Him; He relates with each and every one of us personally! He can do for you what He’s never done for any else, just because you require it and asked Him in faith.

You’re special to Him; that’s why He relates with you personally.


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