Every Industry Worker A Bible, Outreach Distribution

Bible Distribution in Kenya on Workers’ Day

Our esteemed partners in Kenya celebrated Workers ‘ Day in style by distributing hundreds of free copies of the Rhapsody of Realities Study Bible to workers in Nairobi’s industrial area.

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Workers were excited on receiving their copies of Rhapsody Bible

Armed with the Bibles and buoyed by the zeal to spread the gospel to every man’s world, the partners stormed the capital ‘ s industrial area, visiting Glacier Industries, Silver- Stone Tyre Company and the Central Farmers Garage. Recipients could not hide their excitement as they rushed to meet the partners to collect copies for themselves.

Speaking to the partners, the General Manager of Glacier Industries shared her joy and excitement, thanking the BLW President for the special gift that will surely transform her life and that of the hundreds of staff under her. She further thanked all the partners and sponsors of the Rhapsody Bible for their role in the campaign.


Recipients immediately begin to use their Rhapsody Bibles.


Other outstanding testimonies resulted from the distribution; the distribution team has pioneered office outreach fellowships in all the companies that they visited, to further ground the staff in the word of God.
