it doesn’t matter how high the mountain is
Faith, Faith & Hope, Prayer

God Is On Your Side

In your life, it doesn’t matter how high the mountain is or how deep the valley is or how big the giant is that’s confronting you, you’re more than a conqueror. You’re not a child of chance, because before you go through any challenge and even right in the midst of it, the final result has already emerged – you have won!

That’s why David could say “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me…” (Psalm 23:4). The best thing in life is to be in God’s perfect will every moment of your life. You may be facing a trial by fire today or such persecution as would make the soul weary, but remember, all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

El-Shaddai is still the same today. He’s your Helper, Protector, Preserver, Supplier and Nourisher. Let Him take over your body, home, business and every area of your life and you will flourish like never before.  What the enemy meant for evil against you, God has ordained it for good and will bring it to pass in your life just as He did in the life of Jesus, Hallelujah!

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