Past Events

Night Of Bliss South Africa

Over the years, Night of Bliss programmes with Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome is replete with the outstanding manifestation of God’s power.

Since the last Night of Bliss programme held in 2011 in South Africa, the entire region has been waiting with great anticipation for when next the man of God will have another. Almost five years later, the wait is over: on the 22 January 2016 at the 90, 000 seater FNB stadium in Johannesburg
we are set for yet another life-changing Night of Bliss programme with the man of God Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome.

As the multitudes thronged the Lord Jesus when he walked the streets of Galilee, so thousands upon thousands will come from all over Southern Africa and from all around the world to experience the unparalleled teaching of the word by the man of God and witness the manifestation of the power of the Spirit. The tangible presence of the Holy Spirit will undoubtedly result in countless miracles of salvation, deliverance and healing from diverse conditions of infirmity. The blind will receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers will be cleansed, the deaf will have their ears unstopped and so much more as the power of God will be present to heal. Luke 5:17.

Any meeting with our Publisher; Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, creates an unforgettable experience. All who attend will never remain the same again. Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

Souls will be saved and we would ensure that everyone gets a copy of The Rhapsody Of Realities Devotional Study Bible. You can make this possible by your sponsorship!

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