The lack of wisdom is the reason for failure
Faith, Faith & Hope, Prayer

You’re Qualified For The Blessing

Righteousness gives you the rightness of God and the ability to live rightly in the sight of God. As long as you believe in Jesus, the righteousness of God has come to you as a gift.

All you have to do is accept it; it would produce in you what it talks about in you. If right now, you are troubled because you still do wrong things, not to worry, the righteousness you’ve received has the power to produce in you the rightness of God such that by instinct you’ll know what is right.

Isn’t this good news? Now you’re qualified to inherit all the blessings of Abraham, and all the glorious and precious promises in the Word that have come to us through Christ. Prosperity is yours, healing and health are yours, success is yours, spiritual advancement is yours, everything that’s suited to the total well-being of man is yours. You may never know what your inheritance in Christ really means until you get into the Word of God to find out what your place in Christ is in the now!

Make God’s Word a priority in your life today, and you’ll discover more of those “…wonderful things that belong to those who live in the Kingdom of light” (Colossians 1:12 TLB) and live in them everyday of your life.

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