Speak up for the Bible.
Faith, Faith & Hope, Prayer


Speak up for the Bible.
Advocate for the Bible.
Defend The Bible Mandate.
The Bible Won’t Go Extinct In Our Time…

Imagine that you have to dig your Bible out of a hole from a forest floor, brushing sand off the pages every time you want to read God’s Word; all for the fear of not being seen with the Bible.

Imagine not having a Bible in your own language, not that you didn’t desire it, but because it is restricted by the government of your nation.

Imagine risking death because you have a Bible in your home.
This is the experience of Christians in over 50 nations; regions which are known to be hostile to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. But, despite the risks, Christians in these regions are still hungry for the Bible, and they’ll risk everything to read it and grow in faith, some only have access to a few pages of the Bible which they treasure, and for some others, the few copies got to them by the efforts of ‘’Bible Smugglers’’.

The drive to restrict the circulation of the Bible did not stop William Tyndale and so many others, and it is still very much on today. But, despite the opposition, we are undaunted, we will keep giving our all for the furtherance of the Bible Mandate; ensuring that the Bible remains relevant in our day and time.

Click Here to Support our drive to reach 1 million communities of people in different nations of the world with the Rhapsody Bible.

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