There are two spiritual realms of life
Faith, Faith & Hope, Prayer

You Live In The Realm Of Abundant Life

There are two spiritual realms of life and death existing side by side and everyone is in either one of them. Everyone who is born into this world is born into the realm of death (separation from God) and in that realm, there is sickness, sin, poverty and every kind of evil. Then, there is a realm of life, where God operates and in this realm, everything is good.

As long as you’re born again, you’re not about to be transferred to the realm of life, you’re there already.

You may look the same physically as the man who is not saved, but you’re functioning in a different realm. When you realize that you’ve passed from death to life, life will take on a new meaning. In the realm of life, there is no sickness, no death, no poverty and any such evil thing.

As one who is born again, you no longer have a problem with sin. This is because according to the Bible the nature of sin has been replaced with the nature of righteousness. The problem of Christians who struggle with sin is their lack of sufficient information from the Word of God about who they are.

You need to understand what the Bible means when it says you’re dead to sin! It simply means the power of sin over you is completely destroyed. The scriptures declare that sin shall not have dominion over you (Romans 6:14). Rather, there’s prosperity, life and peace! Everything that you lay your hands upon prospers, and you’re a victor every day. Hallelujah!

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