Every Trader A Bible, Project Every

Traders at Jeddo market received the glorious Gospel!

Traders at Jeddo market gladly received the glorious Gospel of Christ wrapped up in copies of Rhapsody of Realities Devotional Study Bibles courtesy of our spreading partners in Christ Embassy Jeddo.

The delegation led by Pastor Magdalene Omagbemi preached the gospel with gusto to the traders who readily received the Bibles. The Head of Jeddo Traders Association on receiving her copy gave a vote of thanks on the behalf of the traders, appreciating our Man of God, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome and the Bible Partners for giving them such priceless gifts at this time, she also said prayers of continual growth, expansion and blessings for the Ministry.

The Head of Jeddo Traders Association on receiving her copy gave a vote of thanks on the behalf of the traders, appreciating our Man of God, Rev. (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome and the Bible Partners for giving them such priceless gifts at this time, she also said prayers of continual growth, expansion and blessings for the Ministry.

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