
You Were In God’s Plan

From Jeremiah chapter one verse 5, it’s obvious God knew you ever before you were conceived by your mother. This means you’re not an accident in this world. You’re not God’s experiment, in other words, he didn’t send you here to the world to find out what you’ll do or become. You were part of His plan right from the foundation of the world.

The Bible says, “Lo Children are an heritage of the Lord…”(Psalm 127:3).

That means you’re not your parent’s idea. God was the one who gave you to your parents. When they decided to have a child they didn’t know it was you that will come. But God knew it was you ever before you were conceived in your mother’s womb.

“Before i formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou comest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations”( Jeremiah 1:5)

Your parents may not have planned for your coming; they may have even told you that you’re a mistake. But to God, you’re not a mistake; you were in His plan right from the foundation of the world. You came because you have a special role to play in your world. Now to some measure, your parents are responsible for what happens to you. Your parent’s responsibility is to some measure because as you grow up you become responsible for whatever you become in life.

Maybe no one reckons with you because you’re the last born amongst so many children. Remember David, who was “the runt of the litter” but became God’s chosen King of Israel. You may look frail and fragile and nobody thinks highly about what you’ll become in life. Remember Gideon, who was the least of the weakest tribe in Israel but was mightily used by God to liberate Israel from bondage. So you see, you’re not a mistake at all; you were in God’s plan. As you walk with the lord every day, He’ll reveal to you all the things He has planned for you.