Every Policeman A Bible, Mission Trips Report, Outreach Distribution


The Police force in any Community, is one of the most important law enforcement agencies with the responsibility of maintaining law and order.

When they are well equipped with the knowledge of God’s Word, they will carry out their duties based on the wisdom of God and the result will be a flourishing community. With this understanding in mind, we have taken it upon ourselves, working with our Partners, to ensure that every policeman receives at least a copy of the Holy Bible to aid their knowledge of God’s Word.

At the passing out parade at Nekede Police College in Owerri, Southern Nigeria, Rhapsody Bible Partners, in the spirit of the ongoing campaign “Bible Missions to 1 Million Communities”, equipped 100 police officers with copies of the Rhapsody Bible for their personal study of God’s Word. We believe that, with the Rhapsody Bible in their hands, they will be more effective in the discharge of their duties.

Thank you, our esteemed Partners for making this possible through your valued and consistent partnership commitment to the advancement of the Bible Mandate.

Join us, as we penetrate many more communities with the Rhapsody Bible.
To sponsor Bible Missions to a Community, click; https://rhapsodybible.org/biblemissions/

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