Faith & Hope, Finance & Prosperity, Purpose

Be A Champion!

A champion is someone who wins for others. Someone who helps others to achieve their goals and realize their dream. Someone who is passionate about the success of others. A champion fights not his own battles but battles to win for others. He’s an advocate and a defender; a leader and a deliverer who fights for the rights and honour of others, and not for self or personal aggrandisement.

Moses was such a man; he was raised by God not to deliver himself, but to deliver Israel from bondage in Egypt into the Promised Land.

“And David said to Saul, Let no man’s heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine
(1 Samuel 17:32)”

Mordecai and Esther also championed the course of the Jews amidst the threat of complete annihilation (Esther 3:5) When Goliath of Gath terrorized the children of Israel, it was David who stood up and killed the giant and brought the fear of Jehovah upon the Philippines (1 Samuel 17:20-58). He also fought for the rights of the less privileged (1 Samuel 22:2) because he was a champion.

Irrespective of your trade, position, or place, I charge you to be a champion today. God brought you into that place of influence not to be served but to serve ( Romans 13:1). In other words, He wants you to be a champion, a role model and a deliverer. So, be passionate about the welfare, success and prosperity of others; fight for their rights; be their advocate and defender. Champion their cause!


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