Outreach Distribution


The knowledge of God’s Word is absolute, and if any man will find it, he will definitely make a success out of every endeavour in life. The Bible outreach to “Vicky Ann Fashion House” established this truth in the mind of each trainee at the fashion school, as they were taught the value and importance of God’s Word to their vocation, and as each of them received a copy of the Rhapsody Bible for their personal study. Hallelujah!

Thank you our esteemed Partners, many more lives are being prepared with God’s Word through your sponsorship of the Rhapsody Bible to many more communities around the world.

Join us in reaching more communities around the world with the Bible through Bible Outreaches to;
• Families
• Rural Communities
• Cities
• Nations
Every Bible outreach counts for the salvation of many lives.
Make it happen, sponsor a Bible outreach today, click; https://rhapsodybible.org/1millionbibleoutreaches/

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