My Rhapsody Bible & I

Mathias’ Story

Mathias’ Story is such a unique story, read and be inspired…

My name is Mathias, and for many years, I had funny spiritual experiences with an unknown lady in my dreams. This created a lot of problems for me; I couldn’t keep a steady relationship in real life, getting a meaningful job was very difficult. My life was upside down.

I knew I had to move closer to God if I wanted a change in my life. So, I joined a believing church and in the process requested for a free copy of the Rhapsody Bible for personal study of the Word.

The moment I got a Bible and started studying, suddenly I could see God in my peculiar situation and things began turning around for good. I stopped seeing the lady in my dreams. I also applied and got a befitting job. My life has been from glory to glory since I got a copy of the Rhapsody Bible. Halleluiah!

Thank you Rhapsody Bible partners for changing my life.

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