Outreach Distribution, Past Events

Sierra Leone Government Leaders receives free copies of the Rhapsody Bible!

A Special time for the Nation of Sierra Leone as its Government Leaders receives free copies of the Rhapsody Bible at the Nation’s 56th Independence Anniversary Celebration.

In commemoration of the Nation’s 56th Independence Anniversary Celebrations; brethren of Christ Embassy Waterloo Street, Freetown Sierra Leone stormed the House of Parliament, Government Ministries and the Military with free copies of the Rhapsody of Realities Devotional Study Bible. Every government official got a copy of the Rhapsody Bible and in the process, 21 souls were led to Christ.


The two-day distribution covered the House Of Parliament which included; its Leadership and All House Members; Government Ministers and Deputies, including the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Lands, Agriculture, Local Government, etc.; the Anti- Corruption Commissioner, and the Military.

The distribution teams were well received by the leaders of government and they expressed gratitude to our man of God, Pastor Chris for sending them the Bestselling Devotional Study Bible.
The distribution activities were also viewed on national television and are a major part of this year’s independence celebrations story.


This is indeed a special time for the nation of Sierra Leone, as its leaders were exposed to the word of God as contained in the Rhapsody Bible, which is the true source of wisdom. The nation of Sierra Leone will never be the same again.

A million thank you to the Pastor, Leaders and Partners of Christ Embassy Freetown, Sierra Leone for impacting the Leaders in their Nation with the word of God.
Join this noble effort by sponsoring at least a Bible a month, thus, blessing one soul at a time, through your investment in God’s Word.

The Bible Bank- yielding eternal returns.

For more information, please send an email to partnership@rhapsodybible.org or call +2348171987339