My Rhapsody Bible & I

What A Joy To Know God!

My name is Mrs Juliana. I have always hear and talked about Jesus but I wanted to know more about the Word of God, and this made me to start reading many Christian books.

One day, my neighbor came home with a copy of Rhapsody of Realities and as I read through it, I saw the email address of the Rhapsody Bible. I then used this address to send a request for a free copy of the Bible for myself and my friends. To my surprise, few days after, the Rhapsody Bible team called me and told me that they were on their way to deliver my copy of the Rhapsody Bible to me, and I got my first Bible that day. It was indeed a dream come true!

Thank you, Esteemed Rhapsody Bible Partners for helping me start out the new year with God’s Word. Your investment in the gospel is changing lives everywhere.

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