Mission Trips Report


Numerous Lives are transformed and destinies altered by God’s Word, as Bible Missions Venezuela commences.

Venezuela is a Spanish speaking nation located at the northern end of South America with the current estimated population of 29,266,991. We aim to win everyone in this nation for Christ and ensure everyone of them have access to the Bible for their personal study of God’s Word.

Kudos to our blue-chip Partners, for making Bible Missions Venezuela a reality. With you, we are covering every city in the nation with the knowledge of God’s Word, as the waters cover the sea. Hallelujah!

This year, join our drive to execute Bible Missions in every known nation.

Adopt and Sponsor;
* Bible Missions to a Street, with 50 Bibles.
* Bible Missions to a community, with 100 Bibles.
* Bible Missions to a City, with 250 Bibles.
* Bible Missions to a Nation, with 1,000 Bibles.

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