Faith, Faith & Hope, Prayer

Persecuted for his Faith…

Sam Olubayo, a seasoned Rhapsody Bible distribution ambassador from Nigeria recounts his experience at his first attempt in taking copies of the Rhapsody Bible into the republic of Pakistan…

In my first missionary journey to Pakistan, I took along with me 40 copies of the Rhapsody Bible with the intention of reaching at least 40 families with the scriptures. When I arrived at the airport immigration in Pakistan, I was queried on why I was taking so many copies of the Bible into the country and all my explanation that it was minimal compared to the huge population of over 200 million people, proved abortive. I was subjected to a lot of interrogation and even taken to the hospital to check if I had drugs in my system; all these experience lasted for over 4 hours. But at the end, miraculously, I was allowed to go into the country with the Bibles. Hallelujah!

“And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ”. Acts 5:41-?42 KJV

Despite the stiff persecution we face in pushing the Bible Mandate forward, we will keep intensifying our efforts in reaching every family, street, community, city, nation and territory with the Rhapsody Bible in every known language; grateful to God for giving us amazing Bible distributors from all walks of life.

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