Faith, Faith & Hope, Prayer

We Serve A Faithful God

When you hear of other people’s testimonies of God’s faithfulness in their lives, have you ever wondered, “God, what about me?”
After many years in the ministry, I found out that a lot of people wonder if the Lord has forgotten them. If such a thought has ever crossed your mind, I’ve got good news for you. God says, “See, I have tattooed your name upon my palm…” (Isaiah 49:16 TLB). Don’t give up, help is on the way!

God isn’t partial and He hasn’t forgotten you. He may not come when you want Him to, but, He’s always on time; He’s never late. Those wonderful testimonies you hear can happen to you as well. Remember, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), what He did for one He’ll do for another under the same circumstances.

There are those who think the days of miracles are over and they tell people the same, destroying any hope they might have in Christ. Thank God the Word of God says differently. There is hope in Christ. God is capable; He is faithful and He can handle anything that we may be going through; He does not and cannot fail!

The Bible says of God: “Your faithfulness extends to every generation, like the earth you created; it endures by your decree, for everything serves your plans” (Psalm 119:90-91 TLB). He was faithful in the days of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon, even unto the days of John the Baptist. He was faithful in the days of our Lord Jesus, He was faithful in the days of the apostles Peter, James, John and Paul. For sure, He’s faithful in my day, and He’ll be forever faithful. He cannot change!

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