Outreach Distribution


Certainly, for the gospel to penetrate the world in its entirety, God’s Word must be made accessible to men everywhere in the language they best understand. Making the Rhapsody Bible available in every known language will greatly aid the spread of gospel in nations of the world.

‘Samonda’, a popular Yoruba speaking community in Ibadan, Nigeria, which was once given to idol worship and all kinds of rituals, now houses several churches including a peculiar Yoruba speaking church birthed as a result of the impact of the Rhapsody Bible outreach to Samonda community.

The Pastor of the church, Pastor Light Morafa has this to say; “Every church service witnesses an influx of first timers and each one goes away with at least a copy of the Rhapsody Bible in Yoruba Language for their personal study of God’s Word”.

Samonda is indeed taken for Jesus, Hallelujah!

Thank you Pastor Light Morafa and Rhapsody Partners in Ibadan, Nigeria for facilitating this miracle. We greatly appreciate you for your efforts in saturating your community with the Yoruba Rhapsody Bible. Your involvement in the ‘Rhapsody Bible Touching Community’ initiative is keeping the Bible in its place as the No.1 Book in the world.

Join us as we saturate many more communities with the Rhapsody Bible in different local languages.

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1 Million Bibles, 1 Million Lives, 1 Million Smiles…a reality with you.

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