Faith, Faith & Hope, Prayer

Trust God For Your Tomorrow

God is the Father of eternity, the Father of endless, joyful, successful, prosperous and healthy living. He’s the Father of all good. Hallelujah!

You know, Moses and Aaron called Him the Father of the spirits of all flesh (Numbers 16:22) and in the New Testament, He’s also called the Father of spirits (Hebrews 12:9). That’s who God is.

When He looks at you, He looks beyond your today; He sees all your ‘tomorrows.’ You don’t have to wait for tomorrow to come, to make it turn out well. Today, you can trust Him to handle your tomorrow because He sees all things.

Your whole life is laid out before Him like pictures; all your tomorrows are laid bare before Him. He knows everywhere you will be at every point in your life. He knows every person you will ever meet. He knows every word you will ever say.

Now you’re at the beginning of a new day, the Everlasting Father says to you, “If you will let Me, I will influence the day for your good.” Oh glory, Hallelujah! He already knows what it’s going to be like, and He can change the bad to good if only you would let Him. So, why don’t you trust Him with your life?

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